What Makes Desert Sun Cold Brew Different?
Jun 29, 2020
What is Cold Brew Coffee?

Cold brew isn’t hot coffee turned cold or coffee poured served iced... Cold brew coffee is made with cold or room temperature water that sits over a long period of time.
Traditionally coffee is brewed with hot water, extracting certain oils and acids that are only soluble at high temperatures creating acidity (or the “bite” you taste in black coffee). However, cold water brewing creates a perfectly balanced and distinctively smooth cup of coffee with little to no acidity. Our Cold Brew Concentrate can can be mixed with water, ice, or used as a favorite cocktail mixer. You can even add it into homemade ice cream! For delicious recipes and cold brew ideas, click here.
Why is Desert Sun's Cold Brew Coffee Better?
Perfectly roasted coffee beans and industry leading cold brew technology
We have combined our fresh roasted, 100% Organic and Fair Trade Coffee beans with some of the most sophisticated technology in the industry to create the smoothest, most flavorful, and most consistent Cold Brew product our team has ever tasted on the market.
We start with our delicious 100% Organic and Fair Trade Coffee beans. We roast those beans in small batches and match the perfect roast with the beans natural flavor to bring out the best in each coffee for a reliable flavor profile.
Then we take those perfectly roasted coffee beans and use our brewing technology to create the best cold brew concentrate coffee you can buy.
Purchase our Cold Brew Concentrate today for the perfect cup delivered right to your doorstep.